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The Hungarian Nation

The Hungarian Nation

A New Definition of the Hungarian Nation,

or a New Hungarian Definition of the Nation


Accepted at the Closing Conference of the 8[th] Hungarian World Congress,

August 20, 2012 in Budapest






    1. The people is the community born to the same historical fate, developing its own material, intellectual and spiritual values. The primary requirements and guarantees for the birth of this community that shares an ethnic foundation, are the mother-tongue, the territory that creates connections and the orderliness of the customs that create the homeland.

    2. The nation is made up of the people, defined in 1.1. who, in the course of their development, have reached the point of expressing their desire for self-determination.

    3. The state is the system of legal and political institutions established by the nation (nations), which represents the vital interests of the nation (nations) and secures them even with force and coercion.

    4. National communities are those peoples or parts of peoples, who came (temporarily) under the supremacy of a certain state not in a natural way, as a result of a historical co-existance, but as a result of military or political duress.

    5. The ethnic group is a part of people who coexist with the state-founding nation, sharing the same historical fate, but who speak a different language and have different basic values.

    6. National minority is an ethnic group that settled recently, voluntarily in the state and accepts the laws of the state and in return, in addition to the universal human rights, enjoys minority rights.

    7. The concept of nationality, in the past few decades, in different countries, has been used to represent the concept of national community, ethnic group, or national minority. Because of the confusion caused by this interchangeable meaning, we shall not use this concept in the present communication and we do not recommend its use.



The Hungarian People, the Hungarian Nation and

the Country of the Holy Crown


2.1. The Hungarians are a people that has survived in some enigmatic way, who have preserved the language of an important civilization that existed before the Greco-Roman civilization, in some smaller measure its culture and in even smaller measure – through the organic nature of the civilization, the mythology and the archaic folk-tales – its body of beliefs.

The Hungarian people is an ancient people, whose history is presently officially acknowledged by historians to go back only over the past thousand years, although its civilization-creating and state-founding strength is surely documented in five continents: Europe[[1]], Asia[[2]], Africa[[3]], North[[4]] and South America[[5]].

The Hungarian people is a community of people with deep historical roots whose members relate in the same way to their all-powerful God and Creator and to their natural surroundings[[6]].

Since the antiquity of the Hungarian people in Europe has been indisputably proven by the most advanced scientific methods[7] [and ][8], and since the traces of their creative life-style and of their ancient language have been preserved from the Carpathian Basin to the Yellow Sea[9], from Mesopotamia to the banks of the River Nile[10], it can not be doubted that the international scientific and political communities sooner or later must acknowledge the Hungarians as „the founders of one of the most original and most important Bronze and Iron-Age civilizations of Europe”.[[11]]


2.2 The most precious treasure of the Hungarian people, and the source and manifestation of their knowledge and their souls, is the Hungarian language, which the English linguist and diplomat, Sir John Bowring (1792-1872), who spoke more than a hundred languages, described in the following terms:

The Hungarian language goes far back. It developed in a very peculiar manner, and its structure reaches back to times most of the spoken European languages did not even exist. It is a language in which there is a logic and mathematics with the adaptability and malleability of strength and chords. The Englishman should be proud that his language indicates an epic of human history. One can show forth his origin, and alien layers can be distinguished in it, which gathered together during the contacts with different nations. Whereas the Hungarian language is like a rubble stone, consisting of only one piece on which the storm of time left not a scratch. It is not a calendar that adjusts to the changes of ages. This language is the oldest and most glorious monument of national sovereignty and mental independence.”[[12]]


 The root system and the agglutinative nature of the Hungarian language gives it a special conciseness and timely consistency, as a result of which the 13th century Hungarian- language relics hardly differ from the Hungarian texts of today.

Its logic which sees the world as a whole, which progresses from the general to the specific, from the whole to the parts, which inserts itself into the life of the people who speak this language and makes itself a part of their mentality basically integrates it with the peaceful nature of the Hungarians, their truth-centered outlook on life, in a word, the soul of the Hungarian people.

The conceptual strength of the Hungarian language is the source of the Hungarians’ pre-eminent scientific achievements; its pictorial strength is the source of their superlative art treasures.


2.3. The Hungarian folk music is built upon the pentatonic scale of the world of folk-songs. Our folk music treasure of more than 200,000 recorded songs is an eloquent proof of its antiquity and indicates a relationship with other peoples, who have preserved a treasure of pentatonic songs.


2.4. The montheism of the Scythians, rooted in their body of beliefs, is reflected in a belief in the sacred monarchy. The worldly and sacred hierarchies were necessarily interdependent. The sacred monarch was the Táltos king[13].


2.5. The most fundamental values of the communities that constitute the Hungarian people are truth, integrity and justice, which prevail only when these communities are imbued with solidarity, love and the will to live (a positive attitude to life). Without these the growth of the Hungarian communities is inconceivable.[14]


2.6. The Hungarian people built their human relations on the irrevocability of the given word, which in decisive historic moments they sealed with a blood compact.

The Hungarian people still proudly preserve the memory of Atilla, the most glorious personage of their Scythian-Hun-Avar-Magyar[15] antiqity.

The virtues of our people can be found at all times in the structure of those states they established, among which the last one was the Hungarian state in the Carpathian Basin, established by the returning Grand-duke Árpád in Ópusztaszer, and which Saint Stephen, King of Hungary, in the spirit of Christianity, offered to the Virgin Mary, the Hungarian Blessed Mother[16], for all eternity.


2.7. In Hungarian society – based on archeological data – the co-ordinate approach has prevailed from ancient times and now, in this severely subordinating environment, this point of view obdurately dominates the Hungarian way of thinking. The co-ordinate approach is manifested in the Hungarian language, the Hungarian folk-tales and the ancient Hungarian jurisdiction[17].


2.8. The Székely people, guarding the borders, who also speak Hungarian as their mother-tongue, live in a co-ordinating relationship with the Hungarian people, complementing each other, and their members by birth have been accepted as members of the nobility[18].


3.1. The Hungarian nation is the people which founded the state ruled by the Holy Crown.

3.2. In the diaspora the nation lives in its members and by means of the organizations and institutes that preserve the Hungarian identity. In critical times in history, the diaspora has played the role of savior of the nation[19].


4.1. The system of institutes based on justice and the rule of law, established and preserved by the Hungarian state, according to the constitutional law of the Holy Crown, is described by István Werbőczy in the following:

„Justice, law and jurisprudence are all different from each other.

1§ Justice is virtue, in other words, morality. The law is the executor of virtues. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of the law.

2§ Furthermore, among the virtues, justice is the highest virtue, law is in the middle and jurisprudence is the least of the virtues.

3§ Furthermore, justice gives its all to everyone, law just facilitates it and jurisprudence teaches how this should be accomplished.” (Werbőczy: Tripartitum, Előbeszéd, 5. czím)


4.2. The Hungarian monarchy, in consideration of the antiquity of its founders, was recognized as the only archiregnum[20], that is prime monarchy, by the highest power of that age, the Pope, and was also recognized as singular, with a unique legal status and with a co-ordinate relationship to the papacy and was determined to be an apostolic monarchy.

This is that state, which, in the course of its development, placed the highest power in the person of the Holy Crown, as the most important person in the state, upon whom the most important constitutional honors were bestowed.

The Hungarian state created, and in 1222 adopted the first document in continental Europe that could be considered a constitution – the Golden Bull. The precursers of this document of the Hungarian constitutionality, the five basic concepts recognized by the Hungarian nation, followed, practised and required of the leaders, were the following: protection of the individual, the concept of the rule of law, the concept of independence, equality under the law, and self-government[[21]].


4.3. The country of the Holy Crown was the first and is still today the only state that in an all-embracing manner gives a tribute of respect to the dignity of every single person created in the image of God. The country of the Holy Crown has historically offered unequalled security for the fullness and sanctity of life, human respect and the practise of a protected co-ordinating shared power, a multitude of languages and the self-determination of linguistic communities.


4.4. Every people and ethnic-group is considered to be a member of the country of the Holy Crown, if it places itself under the power of the Holy Crown; if with its historical presence it contributes to the formation of the its code of values and its consolidation; if it identifies with and actualizes the common fate originating in the membership of the Holy Crown, and if it protects the same without compromise from every (interior or exterior) enemy.


4.5. The Holy Crown extends the rights of guests to every people and ethnic group, which places itself under its power, which takes cognizance of and respects the constitutional system and protects it from its enemies.


4.6. The enemy of the Holy Crown is that individual or community who/which purposefully, or in spite of the warning from the lawful leaders of the Hungarian nation, perpetrates subversive or destructive acts against the constitutional order, or against the Holy Crown.


4.7. In consequence of sections 4.3 and 4.4., the Hungarian nation does not recognize the unjust dissection of the nation according to the Trianon and Paris Dictates.


5.1. Beside the state-founding Hungarian nation, in the course of the many centuries, numerous peoples and ethnic groups have chosen to be members of the country of the Holy Crown.

These peoples and ethnic groups were given territorial autonomy, and the national minorities that later settled in the country, in the framework of ecclesiastical cultural autonomy, were given the opportunity to establish communities speaking their mother-tongue. In multi-ethnic cities, a self-government system was assured according to the ratio of the ethnic and religious proportions. The languages and religious denominations received equal validation, and, on the basis of the concept of subsidiarity[22], the development of the local communities was assured[23].

These peoples and ethnic groups – in the spirit of the “Exhortations” of Saint Stephen – were allowed to flourish, adding color and strengthening the country.


5.2. Today, because of the challenges of national politics, and the present situation of the Hungarian state, we need to address separately the question of two ethnic groups.

5.2.1. The Hungarian Jewish community is a part of the Jewish people who formed a state in Israel in the 20th century and who became a factor in world politics. This part of the Jewish people, in the course of history has settled in Hungary, under the protection of the Holy Crown. Its members have Jewish or Hungarian Jewish consciousness. On the recommendation of Lajos Fejér and Béla Tábor, the Hungarian Jews should keep their dual identity, in a way that can strengthen their connection to Hungary by choosing to be Hungarian Jews[24].

5.2.2. The Gypsy ethnic group is a part of the Gypsy people who, over the course of history, settled in Hungary, in the territory of the Hungarian state, under the protection of the Holy Crown. Its members have Gypsy or Hungarian Gypsy consciousness. The cultural development of the Gypsies and the significant growth of their contribution to the economic reserves of the country is one of the most urgent unresolved questions and, in order to assure the survival of the Hungarian nation, it cannot be postponed.




The nation after Trianon and Lisbon


6. The representation of the Hungarian people and national unity

Since, after the Second World War, the Hungarian state power has changed its role from protector of the nation to become the traitor of the nation, and moreover, since the Hungarian state power in the present day, in the field of force of globalization and the Union, works in subjugation to the international (interstate) institutions, it is essential that the Hungarians, living in a state of enforced dismemberment, receive rights to unified representation and its legitimate national organization be supported by the state, independent of a power system and the rivalries within it. It was to this end that the interwar Hungarian state established the HUNGARIAN WORLD CONGRESS in 1929 and, at the second session of this Congress in 1938, it established the WORLD FEDERATION OF HUNGARIANS to serve as its permanent representative body.


7. The State Assembly


7.1. Its framework, with particular reference to the Upper House

The two-chamber state assembly value-principled national representation


7.2. Its composition, with special regard to the representation of the Hungarians outside the borders of Hungary

As far as the Hungarians outside the borders are concerned, the State Assembly, within the dismembered state, is the state institution that can exercise the full sovereign national rights in their entirety and enforce them.

The Hungarians outside the borders are represented in both chambers of the State Assembly.


8. The State’s responsibility in guaranteeing the nation’s vital interests


8.1. With respect to individuals (the nation, the members of the Holy Crown and the state-founding peoples and ethnic groups)

8.1.1. with respect to the life of the fetus

8.1.2. with respect to the rising generation

8.1.3. with respect to women and families

8.1.4. with respect to able people (among others the assurance of a workplace)

8.1.5. with respect to farmers

8.1.6. with respect to the disabled

8.1.7. with respect to the elderly (among others: „the state pension should be in proportion to the number of educated children”[25])

8.1.8. in connection with the preventive health and with healing

8.1.9. the assurance of property-ownership, the right to own property and the right to inherit

8.1.10. the protection of the freedom of the individual

8.1.11. the assurance of equality before the law

8.1.12. the assurance of the balance of rights and responsibilities

8.1.13. the assurance of public safety

8.1.14. compensation for unavoidable damages to the individual, caused by the state

8.1.15. Ius resistendi et contradicendi, or the right to resist and contradict

8.1.16. the citizens’ responsibility to defend the homeland

8.1.17. the right to the knowledge of the Constitution

8.1.18. the assurance of the biological survival of the nation

8.1.19. the guaranteeing of community rights of peoples and ethnic groups


8.2. The assurance of the protection of the national assets (Sacra Corona radix omnium possessionum: the final proprietor of the strategic means of production must be solely and exclusively the community, the Holy Crown)

8.2.1. the protection of the motherland[[26]]

8.2.2. the protection of the water

8.2.3. the protection of the treasures of the substratum

8.2.4. the protection of the network systems

8.2.5. the provision for atomic energy: the protection of institutions, tools and nuclear materials

8.2.6. the protection of the national cultural treasures, the national heritage (spiritual and material)

8.2.7. the definition of the concept of treachery


8.3. The legal status of the National Bank: the question of financial sovereignty

8.3.1. The National Bank is a Hungarian national institution.

8.3.2. The National Bank is charged with securing the national financial sovereignty.

8.3.3. The constitutional functioning of the National Bank is to be monitored by a state body entrusted with this task.

8.3.4. The executive officers of the National Bank shall be exclusively Hungarian citizens.


8.4. The national control of the constitutional functioning of the media will be provided by an institution established for this purpose.


8.5. The connection between the Constitution and the international agreements


8.5.1. International agreements may be contracted only on the basis of the Hungarian historical Constitution 

8.5.2. Agreements made that are incompatible with the historical Constitution are invalid 

8.5.3. The Trianon and Paris Dictates are null and void, according to the International Agreement for Civic and Political Rights which expresses the right of self-determination of peoples, accepted by the United Nations Session of 1977 and furthermore the international agreements legally based on this, according to the meaning of the May 23, 1969 International Agreement, paragraph 52, signed in Vienna. according to 8.5.1. these can be altered with new agreements. 

8.5.4. The Benes decrees violate the basic human rights and are therefore invalid. The damages caused by them can be eased by apologies to the nation, and in respect to those who suffered the offenses; they may be eased by following the example of section 8.1.14.


8.6. According to the above sections 8.5.1 and 8.5.2, Hungary’s membership in the Union and in NATO is to be re-negotiated.  


8.7. The Constitution, on the basis of the consciousness of the connection rooted in the historical common fate sanctions: 

8.7.1. the mutual announcement of the Hungarian and Polish nations’ historical friendship, 

8.7.2. the significance of the historical state alliance with the Croatian nation in the common past  


8.8. The Constitution states that Hungary and the Hungarians are a bridge, a link between Europe and Asia.





At the center point of the new definition of the Hungarian nation stand the values created from within the nation and recognized by outsiders. These values were born over the course of historical times, at the price of national tragedies and are the fruit of life-giving victories. They are the result of the uplifting work of the blood and sweat of generations, constitutional struggles, the fruit of lives defending the homeland, in spite of treachery and aberrations. The most significant contribution of the Hungarian nation to the progress of mankind is embodied in the establishment of the state system, which, in unique measure, places at the center the human respect for all the people living there, without discrimination on grounds of sex, race, nationality or religion. This state was established by our forefathers on the basis of the Doctrine of the Holy Crown and we call it the country of the Holy Crown. The highest criterion of this state, created by the Hungarians, is the connection between the earthly and heavenly powers, the exemption from human frailty, and its greatest treasure is the continuous rule of law based on truth and justice. Its greatest tool is the legal continuity.  

We have formulated our definition in the firm belief that, without our historical Constitution, there is not and can never be a viable Hungarian nation. Therefore the restoration of the legal continuity of our historical Constitution is the most important mandate of our time, and the first charge of the national strategy. At the moment of the restoration of the legal continuity, the country’s form of state is de jure an apostolic monarchy, which can be voted on by a referendum at any time. 

There is still the remaining everlasting truth that there is only one true constitutional pledge: the allegiance of the nation to its Constitution and the self-sacrificing determination to protect it.

If this exists, if the members of the nation have such affection for their Constitution that they are ready to sacrifice themselves and suffer in the interest of protecting it, then the Constitution is assured. If this self-sacrificing determination is lacking, if I place my interests above the inviolability of the Constitution, then the most beautifully phrased constitutional pledges will clang with an empty tone and are ineffectual paper guarantees without substance or value” (Molnár Kálmán: Alkotmánytörténeti illúzió-e a magyar alkotmányfejlődés jellegzetes közjogi iránya? Pécs, 1931. pp. 22-23.


May God protect the Nation!


Budapest, August 20, 2012


The 8th Hungarian World Congress 




Accepted by the Closing Conference of the 8th Hungarian World Congress

This publication is authenticated by Miklós István Ádám Patrubány, the President of the World Federation of Hungarians



1 Magyar Adorján – Az ősműveltség, Budapest, 1995, Magyar Adorján Baráti Kör

2 Dr. Baráth Tibor – A magyar népek őstörténete, vol. I-III, Montreal, 1968, 1973, 1974

3 Dr. Borbola János – Az egyiptomi ősmagyar nyelv, Budapest, 2012, 5-1016 o.

4 Dr. Simon Péter – Aki őelőtte jár, Budapest, 2004, 3. bőv. kiadás, 69-77 o.

5 Patrubány Miklós, in Botos László főszerk. – Magyarságtudományi tanulmányok, HUN-idea Szellemi Hagyományőrző Műhely, Budapest, 2008, 9-12 o.

6 Molnár V. József – A magyar nép lelke és annak nemzetalakító szerepe, Magyarok VIII. Világkongresszusa, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

7 Ornella Semino et. al., Science Magazine, 10 November 2000, 290 (5494), 1155-1159 o.

8 Dr. Nagy Ákos – A vércsoportok jelentősége a magyar őstörténet kutatásában, Sydney, 2006, Ausztráliai-Újzélandi Magyarok XIII. Találkozója

9 Dr. Nagy Sándor – A magyar nép kialakulásának története, Budapest, 2011, Magyarságtudományi Füzetek 16.

10 Dr. Baráth Tibor – Elfelejtett magyar évezredek?, Budapest, 2012, Magyarságtudományi Füzetek 17.

11 Mario Alinei, Message to the VII. Hungarian World Congress, 1 August 2008 

12 A magyar nyelv a régmúltba vezet. Nagyon sajátos módon fejlődött és szerkezete ama távoli időkre nyúlik vissza, amikor a legtöbb európai nyelv még nem is létezett. Ez egy olyan nyelv, melynek logikája és matematikája, a feszített húr erejének kezelhetőségével és rugalmasságával bír. Az angol ember büszke lehet, hogy nyelve magán hordozza az emberiség történetét. Eredete kimutatható, láthatóvá tehetők benne az idegen rétegek, melyek a különböző népekkel való érintkezés során rakódtak egybe. Ellenben a magyar nyelv olyan, mint a terméskő, egy tömbből van, amin az idő vihara egyetlen karcolást sem hagyott. Nem naptár ez, amely a korok változásához alkalmazkodik. E nyelv a legrégibb és legdicsőségesebb emlékműve a nemzeti önállóságnak és szellemi függetlenségnek. 

Die ungarische Sprache führt weit in die Vergangenheit. Sie entwickelte sich auf besondere Art. Ihre Struktur reicht in Zeiten zurück, in denen die meisten europäischen Sprachen überhaupt nicht existierten. Ihre innere Mathematik und Logik verleihen dieser Sprache die Kraft und Elastizität einer gespannten Saite. Die Engländer sollten auf ihre Sprache stolz sein, da in ihr sich die Geschichte der Menschheit erkennen läßt. Man kann auf ihren Ursprung hinweisen, und fremde Schichten die sich durch den Kontakt mit verschiedenen Völkern angesammelt haben, sind desgleichen erkennbar. Die ungarische Sprache hingegen ist wie ein Monolyth, auf dem der Sturm der Zeit keine Spur hinterlassen hat. Sie ist kein Kalender, der sich dem Lauf der Zeit anpaßt. Diese Sprache ist das älteste und herrlichste Denkmal der nationalen Selbständigkeit und der geistlichen Unabhängigkeit. 

La lengua hungara viene de lejos en el tiempo. Se desarrolló en una forma muy peculiar y su estructura viene desde los tiempos en que la mayoría de las lenguas europeas ni siquiera existían. Es una lengua, cuya logica y matematica se adaptan a la maleabilidad y equilibrio de una cuerda musical bien estirada. El hombre inglés debe estar orgulloso de que su lengua marca una epoca de la historia de la humanidad. Su origen demostrable y traslucido hace facil encontrar en él, las diversas influencias extranjeras que se acumularon en los contactos con diferentes naciones y culturas. Mientras que la lengua hungara es como la piedra basal, de una sola pieza y en la que los vientos del tiempo no han dejado ni un rasguńo. No es un almanaque que se adapta a los cambios en las epocas. Esta lengua es el mas antiguo y glorioso monumento a la soberanía nacional y a la independencia mental. 

La langue hongroise remonte à des temps immémoriaux. Son évolution est des plus singulières et sa structure date de temps où la plupart des langues européennes parlées aujourd’hui n’existaient même pas encore. C’est une langue logique et mathématique avec une force née de sa souplesse et de sa sonorité. Les Anglais peuvent se vanter d’une langue signalant les périodes épiques de l’histoire de l’humanité. On peut remonter à ses origines, déceler les influences venues d’ailleurs, lors des contacts avec d’autres peuples, alors que la langue hongroise est une pierre d’une seule substance, un monolithe sans la moindre griffure laissée par les orages de l’histoire. Elle n’est pas un récitatif évocateur des changements des temps. Cette langue est le plus ancien et le plus glorieux monument d’une souveraineté nationale et independance d’esprit. 

13 Kocsis István – Hozzászólás az új magyar nemzetfogalomhoz, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Budapest, 2012

14 The Constitution of the World Federation of Hungarians

15 Dr. Bakay Kornél – Szkíták és magyarok, hunok és magyarok, avarok és magyarok – Őstörténeti konferencia, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Budapest, 2012

16 Dr. Balogh Sándor – Hozzászólás és határozati javaslat, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

17 Dr. Cser Ferenc – A mellérendelő emberi viszony szerepe a magyar nemzet történetében, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy

18 Borsos Géza – A székely nép helye a magyar nemzet történetében (testében), 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012 

19 Csapó Endre – Nemzet a világszórványban, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

20 Prof. Dr. Vass Csaba – Hungária az archiregnum, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest 2012

21 Dr. Zétényi Zsolt – Az ősi alkotmány, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

22 Dr. Boór Ferenc – A székiség vezérelve, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

23 Dr. Hévízi Józsa – Vallási és etnikai közösségek a Szent Korona országában, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

24 Dr. Drábik János – Szeresd felebarátodat, mint tenmagadat. Mitől vagyunk magyar nemzet?, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Budapest, 2012

25 Prof. Dr. Váralljai Csocsány Jenő, fm. professor at Oxford – A népszaporulat a nemzeti lét elsődleges feltétele, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012

26 Prof. Dr. Tanka Endre – A föld szerepe a nemzet életében, 8th Hungarian World Congress, Conference on National Strategy, Budapest, 2012


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