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The Scythian - Introduction


A man called IZ-ZU, (Logos, divine wisdom) known to history, theology, and followers of several major religions as Jesus Christ was brutally tortured and crucified in Judea 1700 (2000) years ago. But why? What did he do to deserve such vicious treatment? Accounts of his activities speak only of a man who healed the sick, advanced a recipe for peaceful human coexistence and encouraged Man to seek the truth. He advocated such virtues as compassion, understanding, mercy, selflessness and quest for knowledge, qualities we normally associate with social harmony and self-improvement. So why kill someone who teaches people how to get along and how to improve society at the individual level? What possible benefit could a regime see in permanently silencing a promoter of peaceful coexistence and human evolution? The logical answer is, any benefit derived from social discord or the suppression of human growth. So the next step is to find out if social discord can benefit a regime. All political leaders, regardless of their ultimate goals, are intelligent people or else they would not have become or remained leaders. And intelligent leadership includes keeping internal peace to assure unity of purpose, regardless of what that purpose might be. Therefore, social discord is unlikely to benefit anyone in power. That leaves suppression of human progress as the only logical benefit.

Christianity teaches that Mankind's ancestors angered the Jews' wrathful god by seeking knowledge of right and wrong. This god became so furious, he condemned Man to a life of misery and suffering on Earth followed by the end of Man's existence. Its teaching further suggests that the ritual human sacrifice of a savior of humanity to this spectator god will appease the divine anger provoked by Man's “insolent” search for morality and his other “sins” of disobedience, but that this blood-thirsty god, having savored the pleasures of watching Jesus' agonizing torture and death, will be pleased enough with the spectacle to restore eternal life to all who henceforth obey him without question. This ideology is a reflection of a basic tenet of Judaism: an intolerant, wrathful vengeful god can be placated by shedding the blood of innocent animals, including “subhuman” goiims (non-Jews). Spelled out in different words to hide its substance from consciousness (satisfaction, ransom, penal rhetoric “explaining atonement”), this is the subliminal message taught in Christian churches and Sunday schools.

Christianity is teaching our children that Jesus had to be killed so he could save Mankind by wiping away humanity's sins with his blood. Professor Badiny's (and others) sleuth work, however, suggests a different motive: fear of a teacher who gives the ignorant the power to rid himself of parasites.

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